Welcome to Potato Protector! In this game, you must prevent your precious potato from falling into the fire and burning up! Add obstacles by moving their position and rotating them to allow your potato to bounce safely to the water bucket. Go for the fewest obstacles and bounces, or try to make the path as complicated as possible! The physics of the potato can be random and silly at times, so the possibilities are endless!

NOTE: If you play in fullscreen, the side tab will be off-center and look strange, but still usable. However, it will look better embedded in the page.


Click Obstacle Icon From MenuCreate an editable obstacle.
Click and Hold ObstacleMake an obstacle editable as long as you are holding it.
Drag and Move MouseChange an obstacle's position (while editing).
A/D or Left/Right Arrow KeysRotate an obstacle (while editing).
Backspace/DeleteDelete an obstacle (while editing).
Play/Restart ButtonsClick to drop or reset the potato.


This game was made in just under 3 hours for Trijam #88 with the theme Hot Potato. I've always liked games that had you sort of construct the level yourself, and I thought a bouncing potato would work well with that style. The coding went by really quickly so I had a ton of extra time to work on the visuals, which has always been my weak point, and I'm extremely pleased with how they turned out this time! I made all the visuals myself using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop (except the potato, which came from the internet by Marie Lhuissier), and the wonderful background music came free from


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